Saturday, October 6, 2007

Lists of lists!

There are many elite, distinguished, unatainable, star-rated clubs, groups, and hotel-suites (President, dear, step aside! The pent house is moi's!) but of these many classy, highly-sought-after groupings, one stands out above the rest, and that is this:


What are these mysterious fanlisting, you may ask? Well, simply put, a fanlisting is a list of fans (tres helpful to have on a hot summer's day). Anyone can have a fanlisting online from Princess Tutu (note: Who???) to Brad Pitt (note: List now, swoon later). Anyone can sign up to a fanlisting, announcing themselves fans of Pitts or Tutus, and their names are listed so the world can know that you are the 231'st fan of Princess Pitt, or the 13'000th fan of Brad in a Tutu. Moi's own personal fanlisting is also known as "The phone directory."

Kermie and Piggy have a fanlisting site run by Natalie (Kissy kissy dear!), and you can sign up to it here! Go ahead! Announce your fanatical self to the world, and show support for Pig and Frog. We look forward to seeing you!


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