Friday, January 4, 2008

The Show Must Dion

Thought you'd "Celine" it all? (A painful pun, but segues nicely) Apparently we havn't yet, as Miss Piggy reminds the delicious Dion to next time maybe...put some clothes on?

But seriously (serious? really? ahhaaahaaahaaha!) Shhh. But seriously, Celine Dion stunned the nation once again the other night with her amazing talent, her graceful heart (which will, by the way, go on), and her marvelous selection of wardrobe. She was hosting something of an informal interview to a room packed with celebrities wishing to know about her life from golf, to Christmas, to Vegas and back again.

Her final ques-dion (there's another) came from truely the world's greatest diva, Miss Piggy, who thanked her for warming the audience for her return.

Dion seemed delighted to see the only super-star who could hold a candle to her divadom, and it was delightful to see Miss Piggy back on British TV.

This video was provided by MPiggyClips of the YouTube Empire, a mysterious benefactor who has provided the youtube and Piggy-loving community with a monolyth of MissPiggyClips! Thanks!

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